Monday 23 December 2013

Andrew Goodwins Theory Applied To Sam Smith 'Money On My Mind'

1.Though Beats - Seeing The Sound.
In this video the lyrics state 'Money On My Mind' you imagine the video without watching it, casinos and money signs everywhere. The song has sound effects in such as 'Chings' and 'Clashes' these help you imagine the money and the sounds of fruit machines pain the casino picture into your head.

2. Narrative & Performance
Sam smith gives outstanding performce in this video. He lip syncs perfectly and gives the impression that he is  amazing. When you watch him strolling though vegas with the lights behind him you want to be him. He is clearly into his music and performing well.

3.Star Image
The star image in this video is impacted alot. When you see sam with the big city lights behind him singing along and all the money behind him he seemes a star, saying he dosent care about money makes you amazed.

4. Visuals To Song.
The song is about Money. Many visuals to the song is here, casinos everywhere, and also many money signs and dollars. The location Vegas is very site specific.

5. Techniqual Aspects
Not vert techniqual but some filters and edits.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Star Image -Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is wold wide famous and known as one of the biggest solo male artists in the music video. Justin Timberlake firstly started out in a boy band ' N-SYNC ' then they split up and he was the only person who carried on to make music. He was trained and helped out by Micheal Jackson and Usher and was born into a superstar.

Justin Timberlakes star image is worldwide and ultra famous. He is a good looking guy with great charisma. His overall look and attitude shapes his image. Justin has a cute charm about him and his cheeky smile attracts females. His energy and amazing vocals make him a all round superstar, who gives amazing live performances. He has also worked with a list of amazing pop stars, all of different genres, pushing him out there even more onto different markets.  

Justin Timberlakes Overall Image Makes him so marketable and popular. He has everything a pop star needs. The looks, the moves, the charm and the voice. His image makes him a global STAR.