Monday, 23 December 2013

Andrew Goodwins Theory Applied To Sam Smith 'Money On My Mind'

1.Though Beats - Seeing The Sound.
In this video the lyrics state 'Money On My Mind' you imagine the video without watching it, casinos and money signs everywhere. The song has sound effects in such as 'Chings' and 'Clashes' these help you imagine the money and the sounds of fruit machines pain the casino picture into your head.

2. Narrative & Performance
Sam smith gives outstanding performce in this video. He lip syncs perfectly and gives the impression that he is  amazing. When you watch him strolling though vegas with the lights behind him you want to be him. He is clearly into his music and performing well.

3.Star Image
The star image in this video is impacted alot. When you see sam with the big city lights behind him singing along and all the money behind him he seemes a star, saying he dosent care about money makes you amazed.

4. Visuals To Song.
The song is about Money. Many visuals to the song is here, casinos everywhere, and also many money signs and dollars. The location Vegas is very site specific.

5. Techniqual Aspects
Not vert techniqual but some filters and edits.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Star Image -Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is wold wide famous and known as one of the biggest solo male artists in the music video. Justin Timberlake firstly started out in a boy band ' N-SYNC ' then they split up and he was the only person who carried on to make music. He was trained and helped out by Micheal Jackson and Usher and was born into a superstar.

Justin Timberlakes star image is worldwide and ultra famous. He is a good looking guy with great charisma. His overall look and attitude shapes his image. Justin has a cute charm about him and his cheeky smile attracts females. His energy and amazing vocals make him a all round superstar, who gives amazing live performances. He has also worked with a list of amazing pop stars, all of different genres, pushing him out there even more onto different markets.  

Justin Timberlakes Overall Image Makes him so marketable and popular. He has everything a pop star needs. The looks, the moves, the charm and the voice. His image makes him a global STAR.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Andrew Goodwin and The Theory to Music Videos

Andrew Goodwin states that there are 5 key aspects that we as an audience look out for when watching and  listening to music videos.

1.Thought Beats - Seeing the sound in your head
Goodwin stated that when we listen to music we automatically look our for 3 things with the track and we see it our heads. We separate the chorus from the verses in the song and identify the pattern. We listen to the voice and we match it to the artist and how unique we are. We also listen carefully to the lyrics and go on a journey with them trying to understand the story they are telling us.

2. Narrative & Performance
Goodwin says that we make up our own idea of what the music video is about or the lyrics from a basic understanding of what it may actually be about. Music videos should be of a high standard in these areas and keep a clear narrative and a great performance to keep the audience interested. When the artist  acts and preforms in a music video they make the video original and authentic. They always mime to the track but it is always there job to make it believable and realistic to the audience.

3.The Star Image
The stars image is the most vital ingredient in a music video. Goodwin said that artists want to wow there audience with there image to stay current in order for them to remember them. There star image plays a big role in music videos and becomes bigger and more recognisable as there careers grow.

4. Relations of visuals to the song.
Goodwin had said that there are three ways to promote a song, Illustrate amplify and disjuncture.  He said that videos cram the song into the audience heads. By using certain images that relate to the meaning and lyrics to the song. And by repeating these so the audience dont forgot them.

5. Technical Aspects.
Goodwin said that technical aspects make a video much more intresting and enjoyable for the audience. He said that lighting and filters can alter the mood and feel of a music video instanty. He also said that the Mes En Scene needs to look professional and very realistic to attract an audience of a wilder scale.

Genre Of 'John Newman - Love Me Agian'

So our group have decided to create a music video to this track....

This is the offical music video to John Newman - Love me again. We have chosen this video because we feel that there is alot of things that we can do with the track and as we listend to it our heads were flooded with ideas and pictures. The music video to this song isnt very big and is not really known as it is quite basic. John Newman is a new artist in the UK and has recently brought out a album.

John Newmans songs range from the Genres Of  Pop, Rock And Soul. For the track that we have chose the genre of it is soul how ever it is really upbeat so some people may say it is pop.

The music  video for the song is in the genre of  Homeage and Basic. I can see how this fits into these genres as the video is actually quite boring and not very exciting at all. John is the main focus in this video and so is his singing. The video is very naturalistic and beliveable it would have been easy and cheap to film and direct.

Music Video Director - Anthony Mandler

Anthony Mandler is a world wide and very known music video director. He has worked from the lights of Rihanna, Jay Z and Justin Bieber.
Anthony has directed amazing videos for a variety of diffrent tracks and genres. However from looking at his work i have noticed that Mandler uses alot of darkness in his videos that creates a relaxed and emotional mood. He produces great videos and they are all for massive world wide artists with pockets of number ones. Here are some examples of his work.


Music videos are nearly ass described as being post modern. They sometimes refer and involve media texts such as cinema, television, fashion and photography. This draws a lot of attention and recognition from the audience. This is called intertextuality, intertextuality is when something uses pre media text and sort of copy's it or mimics it. This can be funny and also can be an issue if it does it to something copy right or very we'll know. Intertextuality is only a success when you can recognise what exactly they are mimicking or copying straight away.

A perfect example of intertextuality in a music video is the video for "She walks like Rihanna" by The Wanted

In this video the band mimics 3 of the most well own boy-bands in history and there most known music videos. Firstly when they are on puppet strings they are mimicking the band N-SYNC with there video to 'Bye Bye' . Then they mimic West-life with the white suits on then lastly they mimic Take That with there video to 'Want You Back' when they are in black and white.

Intertexuality attracts allot of attention  to music videos and gets allot of word of mouth going around as people love to see them. Intertexuality makes videos more fun and enjoyable.

Monday, 21 October 2013


Voyeurism is when music videos give the audience some sexual satisfaction. Voyeurisim is one of the most key ingredients to a music video as it can attract a lot of people to the music video. Voyeruism is simply when an artist gives sexual attraction in a video. For example it could be manipultive looks or dance moves or a gesture promoting the artists breast or bum. Voyeurism is mainly aimed towards males and the Male Gaze is introduced. The male gaze is the way that men see female artists in there videos. Every video has some sort of sexual moves or acts to attract the male gaze. Artists such as Rihanna and Beyoncé are very popular with men and there videos contain a lot of sexual dance moves and male gazing. The aim of voyerisum and the male gaze is to pleasure the male audience and to gain views for there videos. The artists also get a look from these and people will like them for there looks and body

The male gaze is achieved by using a variety of techniques involving slow motion that slows down at a part of a video when the artist is performing a sexy move. The camera also focuses on the females sexy body parts. Artists are also asked to look into the camera and give a manipulative and sexual look.

If you look at the video above Beyoncé Crazy In Love you will see how much voyeurism is used and how much male gaze there is. She dances seductively and the camera focuses on her bum and breasts a lot. Also slow motion is used to emphasise the sexiness.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Essential Ingredients Of A Successful Music Video

Music videos are a massive influence on the music industry, promoting a artists music and look. Music videos sometimes throw you into a pool of amazement when others sometimes bore you to death. Big and successful videos are the ones that you want to watch over and over again and you tell all your friends about. So what are the Essential Ingredients Of  A Successful Music Video?

The performance of the artist in there music video is the most important ingredient to a successful music video. They must get involved in the  music and the theme of the video, and act to that camera as they would on stage. The performance wows the audience as they idolise the artist even more, watching them dance and sing starting into the camera with great facial expressions give them a very good vibe. The biggest artists look amazing behind the camera and in there videos they give a spectacular performance that makes the video so much more exciting and pleasing for the audience. Lets face it if you started watching a video with the artist just standing there with blank facial expressions and as stiff as a stick you would turn the channel over.

Overall Look
The overall look of the artist adds even more fire and excitement to a music video making them look glamorised and cool draws the audience in and amazes them.

Special Effects
Special effects add to the wow factor of a music video as they make it much more exciting. They can have a huge impact on the video and make the artist seem like a superhero or a astronaut, they give such a cool effect on the video the audience are drawn in massively.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Prelimary Summer Music Video Project Evaluation

We made a taster music video in 4 weeks to get a idea of what we will be doing in the further year.
This is myself and Chloe's  music video that we made.
I enjoyed making the music video and it was good to try out some techniques used when making music videos. We have now learned how to use a green screen and how to use it effectively. I have learnt that when you use a green screen you must make sure that  there is no creases in it as when you add back ground they will stand out (what happened in our video)
I think the editing went well and the look that i gave to my character. I also think that the multi colour screen at the end was a success and looks really good.
When we make our final video we will definitely use a green screen as it can be very effective and now that we know how to colour key on Adobe Premier using it will be a piece of cake.

Beyonce - Girls

This music video is really good and really coo.. The way that they have built up the M.E.S is very well done. The acting is also very precise.

David Guetta FT Sia - Titanium

I like this music video because of the story it creates. I think the video matches the mood of the song and it also is interesting. We do not know the reason why the child is being hunted down and that is why we carry on watching it.

Breach - Jack

 I like this video because it is quirky and interesting. It is really strange but at the same time when watching you are really intrigued to watching the whole video.  

Rudimental - Waiting All Night

This is buy far my favourite music video purely because of the story and the feel good factor at the end. The video brings happiness at the end witch is really nice. The video is like a little story and you want to carry on watching to see how it ends and if he ends up riding his bike again.

Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow

I like this music video because of the use of effects and colour. It is exciting and fun. It also matches the beat if the track as shots change to the beat. The use of laser light effects is very cool.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Macklemore - Cant Hold Us

The reason why i like this video is because of the unique locations used. Also i think the video is exciting and qwerky.I think the contrast of themes is also interesting. The track is also very good so it makes the video match. The video is fun.

Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines (EXPLICIT)

I like this video as it is really fun and enjoyable. As a male i enjoy the naked females dancing around. I also think the things all of the girls do are amusing.

Ed Sheeran - A Team

The reason why i like this music video is simply because of the story it tells. We are shown this girl who the song relates to and shown her average day in life. The story and the song together are quite emotional and powerful. Really like the effect when everything is fast forwarded except the girl as he sits begging, this really does impact how she must be feeling.

Naughty Boy - Lalala

This music video is really strange but at the same time intresting. Following the little boys life is intresting as you want to know what happens to him. I like this video as it is wierd involving the wierd men but at the same time intresting because the little boy is leading them to somewhere and you want to know where. - Bang

What i like about this music video is the black and white. Its quite intresting as is known for his love for effects and electronic vocie effects. It comes across really cool considering there is a black and white theme with a modern upbeat track. You want to keep watching as you wonder if the videos going to become modern as the music does.